Struggling to decide between a medium and a large? Curious about the fit of the apparel you want? Then check out PromosXchange’s apparel sizing charts found on each product listing page. If there is no size chart available for your apparel, or if you have any other questions about the clothing you want, simply call us at 1800 776 667 and one of our friendly client service representatives will be happy to help you choose the perfect sizes for everyone in your team. You can also request for complimentary product samples.
Can you supply express custom promotional merchandise?
The industry standard for production time of onshore branded promotional merchandise is usually 2-3 weeks. At PromosXchange, we realize that…
Continue ReadingCan you provide storage and fulfilment for my merchandise?
If you have purchased merchandise from PromosXchange, we certainly can help you with the storage and fulfilment of such merchandise.…
Continue ReadingCan I make changes or cancel my order once it has been placed?
Once we receive your order, we work swiftly to get the job fulfilled as quickly as we can. Any order…
Continue ReadingHow large will my logo/design be imprinted?
We always provide a virtual mock-up of how your design will look on a promotional product including the imprint size.…
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